Solutions for
Location & measurement of critical assets
Materials and semi-processed parts
Finished product
The WITRAC location and telemetry solution provides real-time information on the status and location of critical assets to increase control and improve management of company operations.
Challenges of Industry 4.0

Point of Interest: Almacén 1
Posición: 39.473150, -0.367748
Temperatura: 8ºC
Referencia: WTC001
Fecha de producción: 21/04/2019
Almacén: 2
Ubicación: 13-2

Reference: WTC001
Production day: 21/04/2019
Warehouse: 2
Location: 13-2
Point of Interest: Warehouse 1
Position: 39.473150, -0.367748
Temperature: 8ºC

Great benefits.
Great results.
Find out the results according the to the type of critical assets:
Semi-processed Materials
Finished product
monitored injection molds.
productivity improvement.
*Real case results with inyection mold in an automative company.
in logistics optimization.
*Real case results with inyection mold in an automative company.
monitorized actives.
reduction of foregone losses.
*Real case results with assets in retail company.
of benefits
*Real case results with assets in retail company.
stock visibility
logistics efficiency
*Real case results with internal parts in an automotive company.
of stock reducction
*Real case results with internal parts in an automotive company.
of products identified per year.
reduction of foregone losses.
*Real case results with construction coatings in ceramic company
in operational improvement
*Real case results with construction coatings in ceramic indsutry.